If you’re anything like me, then you know there’s little out there that’s more gratifying than a hot (or cold) cup of coffee.

For us, there’s no shortage of items out there that make our caffeine-tasting experience up a level or two. 

In this post, I round up 15 of the best Coffee gifts and gadgets you can ever get!

1. Moka Pot

Moka pots are a staple in any true coffee lover’s kitchen. They are special for a lover’s breakfast, and for whoever enjoys rich, strong coffee. Takes less than 5 minutes to brew, and it’s super easy to clean.

Bialetti 06800 Express Moka Pot

Bialetti 06800 Express Moka Pot: $34.99

2. Contigo Travel Mug

The Contigo Snapseal Byron Stainless Steel Travel Mug not only has the longest name for a mug ever, but it also has a leak-proof lid that prevents any liquid from spilling. Built for long days, it keeps our precious dark elixir from cooling up to 9 hours. Everything is the best thing about it. Get it for your coffee. And for you.

Contigo Snapseal Travel Mug

Contigo Snapseal Travel Mug: $14,72

3. Coffee T-shirts

I love food. I love Coffee. I love t-shirts. Among food t-shirts, I love coffee t-shirts the most. I like pizza too, but I just feel so connected to coffee that even if the design is kinda bad, I would still favor coffee t-shirts above all else. Since I’ve always had a hard time picking just one t-shirt because they’re so good, here are some of the coffee t-shirts I love the most:

Grumpy Coffee Cat Vintage Sunset T-Shirt

Grumpy Coffee Cat Vintage Sunset T-Shirt: $13

Pot Head Funny Coffee T-Shirt

Pot Head Funny Coffee T-Shirt: $13

I Like Coffee Funny T-Shirt

I Like Coffee Funny T-Shirt: $13

4. Mr. Coffee Mug Warmer

I don’t mind cold coffee, but I hate when it’s at that middle point between warm and cold that it just makes it undrinkable. Keep it hot with a proper mug warmer, like Mr. Coffee’s.

Mr. Coffee Mug Warmer

Mr. Coffee Mug Warmer: $9,89

5. Starbucks Gift Card

Coffee has the power of fixing almost everything. And even if there isn’t anything broken, why not make things even better? When you really don’t know what else to get, always go to the coffee gift card. It never fails (except if you really blew it up. In that case, also say you’re sorry and make up for it!)

Starbucks Gift Card

Starbucks Gift Card: $25

6. McCafe Coffee Pods

48 K-Cup Pods in 4 different varieties, McCafe Coffee Pods are cheap and delicious treats for any coffee lover! Well, for whoever has a coffee brewer

McCafe Coffee Pods

McCafe Coffee Pods: $29

7. Nespresso Coffee and Espresso Machine

A piece of exquisite engineering by century-old manufacturer De’Longhi, this coffee maker includes 30 pods with 3 different varieties. This is my next in-laws Christmas gift.

Nespresso Coffee and Espresso Machine

Nespresso Coffee and Espresso Machine (coffee inc.): $231.99

8. Baratza Coffee Grinder

The Baratza Encore is said to be THE go-to entry level grinder for those brewing coffee at home. It’s versatile, allowing a great grind for drip/manual brew and also grinds fine enough for espresso. And I almost forgot: it’s extremely cheap.

Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder

Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder: $135

9. Espro Travel Coffee Press

“Beautiful coffee on the go” is how they call it, and I couldn’t agree more with this statement. Espro’s travel coffee press is the next best thing to having a barista on-demand. Makes 10 oz coffee and holds 15 oz as a travel mug, and they have lifetime warranty, and it comes at the ridiculously cheap cost of $29.98. Get two.

Espro Travel Coffee Press

Espro Travel Coffee Press: $29.98

10. Craft Coffee Manual

Wish I had one of these right now after all these gadgets and recommendations! This extensive but accessible handbook is for the average coffee lover who wants to make better coffee at home. This book focuses exclusively on coffee—not espresso—, and explores multiple techniques in 10 different devices.

Craft Coffee Manual

Craft Coffee Manual: $2.99

11. Bonavita Gooseneck Kettle

This one is for those on the geekier end of the spectrum when it comes down to coffee brewing. For most people it’s a luxury item, and for coffee experts it’s a needed part of the coffee-brewing repertoire, a perfectionist’s tool. Get your favorite perfectionist one of these.

Bonavita Gooseneck Kettle

Bonavita Gooseneck Kettle: $53.99

12. Vintage Suitcase Turntable

Victrola has been around for over a century now, and while not a top-of-the-line record player for audiophiles, it’s certainly a classy and affordable gift for anyone who enjoys music as much as coffee.

Vicrtola Vintage Suitcase Turntable

Vicrtola Vintage Suitcase Turntable: $54.99

13. Coffee Table

I have to come clean on this one: my coffee table is boring-border-lame. Don’t be like me and get yourself, or your favorite coffee fiend, a beautiful coffee table. I found this one that just kills me. It’s rustic, it’s sexy, it’s cheap, and it holds your coffee. What else do you want?

Handmade Rustic Coffee Table

Handmade Rustic Coffee Table: $187.41

14. Hand-made Insulated Pour Over Coffee Server

This one is elegant and functional, two things that every coffee nerd loves. The server features 5 pack options to make your gift just the exact thing to get. Also a perfect match with a certain gooseneck kettle we talked about earlier!

Bolio - Insulated Pour Over Coffee Server

Bolio – Insulated Pour Over Coffee Server: $43.99

15. Caffeine Molecule Necklace

I have a friend who’s the biggest coffee freak I’ve ever met, but I didn’t know that when I first met her. She was wearing a somewhat odd necklace which I was hesitant on asking what it was, until I couldn’t held it any longer. “Oh this? It’s the molecular structure of caffeine.” Ask further I did not. A beautiful curve ball gift for sure.

Caffeine Molecule Necklace

Caffeine Molecule Necklace: $18.00

Are you also a coffee fiend? Which one do you like the most? Got a coffee gift you’d like to see featured here?

Leave a comment down below!